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Page 308

Posted on
May 4, 2022

Chapter: Chapter 4

Characters: Belfry, Finn, Jason, Kira, Nora

Tags: Cameo

Flatted by: Knack Whittle

Tamberlane is Currently Sponsored By...

Aelius, Alex Phoenix Wing, Anguis, B1 Battle Droid, BB, berwyn, Bheckadee, Blazeofspikes, Bulwark2002, CalTheUntitled, Chris, Chris G., Chuckles, Cilestin, Damien Mundt, Dana Simpson, Daphne Pfister, Demoriel, Dolly Strawberry, Dr. PHDangit, Dunkin P, Dylan Evans, Emily Yates, FanimationMik, Fruitso, Fruxalga, Frédéric Legaré, Gunny Waffle, Hues Of Blue, Inventor, Ira, Jenna Abel Bradford, Jesus, Jmoney2122, K9Elements, Kagetsume, Kcaz Srehtiw, KennoWP, KettuTheFox, l AuroraWolf I, Lester D. Crawford, Madiso, Manuel Hahn, Martyn, metalmattress4, michael, Microfan, mwi, Naomi 'Note Worthy' Slover, Nick, nicky, Nightshade89, null_void, Packardlebaron, Patrick Kingsley, patroclus, PBar, Rattle Rabbit, Rhianna, Rhythm & Tempo, Rick Griffin, Sam Hansen, Sarah, SattaiLanfear, Shout_2000, ShuSquirrel, SilverHeart, Skandranon, Sneb23, Soldier Lsnake, SourMonkey, Sticklord, Stoker Bramwell, SurlyVulpine, That_One_Furry, The Lonely Sand Person, The Masked Retriever, The Union Man, Third, Tidalbelt, Turo, Violet Rose in The Dark, wes9511, Wilford B. Wolf, Yvonne Clapham

Author's Notes:

The search is ON!

Thanks to Logan (Finn), Marco (Jason), and Ashley (Kira) for your patron cameos!


FINN: Give us a shout, kids!
NORA: Jonas?
KIRA: They were this way...

BELFRY: Hurry up!!
KIRA: Er...

KIRA: It was...
KIRA: I think it was...
KIRA: O-or...

NORA: Take a deep breath, Kira. You're alright.

KIRA: I- I think I remember that buncha branches...
KIRA: Maybe this way?


FINN: Ruft, wenn ihr uns hören könnt!
NORA: Jonas?
KIRA: Sie waren hier langgelaufen...

BELFRY: Beeilung!!
KIRA: Äh...

KIRA: Es ging...
KIRA: Ich glaub es ging...
KIRA: O-oder doch...

NORA: Atme tief durch, Kira. Mach dir keine Sorgen.

KIRA: I- Ich glaub, ich erkenn die Äste da wieder...
KIRA: Vielleicht da lang?

FINN : Faites-nous signe, les enfants !
NORA : Jonas ?
KIRA : Ils étaient par là…

BELFRY : Dépêchez-vous !!
KIRA : Euh...

KIRA : C'était...
KIRA : Je pense que c'était...
KIRA : O-ou...

NORA : Respire profondément, Kira. Tu vas bien.

KIRA : Je- je pense que je me souviens de ce tas de branches...
KIRA : Peut-être que c'était par là ?

FINN: Gritem para a gente, crianças!
NORA: Jonas?
KIRA: Eles estavam por aqui...

BELFRY: Vai logo!!
KIRA: Ãa...

KIRA: Era...
KIRA: Eu acho que era...
KIRA: O-ou...

NORA: Respira fundo, Kira. Tá tudo bem.

KIRA: Eu- Eu acho que eu me lembro daquele monte de galhos...
KIRA: Talvez por aqui?

BELFRY: טמברליין!
FINN: תרימו צעקה, ילדים!
NORA: ג׳ונאס?
KIRA: הם הלכו מכאן...

BELFRY: תזדרזו כבר!!
KIRA: אר...

KIRA: זה היה...
KIRA: אני חושבת שזה היה...
KIRA: א-או...

NORA: קחי נשימה עמוקה, קירה. את מצוינת.

KIRA: א- אני חושבת שאני זוכרת את קבוצת הענפים הזאת...
KIRA: אולי מכאן?
