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Page 214

Posted on
April 29, 2020

Chapter: Chapter 4

Characters: Milo, Oakewood, Peek

Tags: Cameo

Tamberlane is Currently Sponsored By...

Aelius, Alex Phoenix Wing, Anguis, B1 Battle Droid, BB, berwyn, Bheckadee, Blazeofspikes, CalTheUntitled, Chris, Chris G., Chuckles, Cilestin, Damien Mundt, Dana Simpson, Daphne Pfister, Demoriel, Dolly Strawberry, Dr. PHDangit, Draagonslayer19, Dunkin P, Dylan Evans, Emily Yates, FanimationMik, Fruitso, Fruxalga, Frédéric Legaré, Gavyn Lumier, Goldy, Gunny Waffle, Hues Of Blue, Inventor, Ira, Jacob klug, Jenna Abel Bradford, Jesus, Joseph Purves, K9Elements, Kagetsume, Kcaz Srehtiw, KennoWP, l AuroraWolf I, Lester D. Crawford, Madiso, Manuel Hahn, Martyn, metalmattress4, michael, Microfan, mwi, Naomi 'Note Worthy' Slover, Nick, nicky, Nightshade89, null_void, Packardlebaron, Patrick Kingsley, PBar, Rattle Rabbit, Rhianna, Rick Griffin, Sam Hansen, Sammy Naylor, Sarah, SattaiLanfear, Shout_2000, ShuSquirrel, SilverHeart, Skandranon, Sneb23, Soldier Lsnake, SourMonkey, Sticklord, SurlyVulpine, That_One_Furry, The Lonely Sand Person, The Masked Retriever, Tidalbelt, Turo, Violet Rose in The Dark, wes9511, Wilford B. Wolf, Yvonne Clapham

Author's Notes:

Gasp! A fancy book!
Thank you to Peek for the generous loaning of his character... Peek!

The Cast Page is Updated!

After many months of hard work, double-checking timelines, doing science, banging heads against walls, and typing furiously into code windows, the cast page has been updated! Ages and birthdays have made their return, bios have been updated (including the last stragglers, for those who found the cast page updates earlier this month), there's a new format, trivia, and even a list of the Tales from Treehollow a character has appeared in!

In addition, there are fresh and updated banners for the TfTs on the comic pages, including for the many short stories that were not previously being shown. Hooray!

For those who were hoping the cast stories would make a return, that is a future project. Unfortunately it will require us to write short stories for A LOT of characters so... don't hold your breath? Either way, enjoy the changes!


PEEK: Got your order in from Tangled Branch this morning.
OAKEWOOD: Excellent.

PEEK: Actually...
PEEK: I have something else you might be interested in.

PEEK: Yeah, I got this in a month ago...

PEEK: I did my best restoring and rebinding it, but it was tricky.
PEEK: This book is so old that it was nearly too degraded to recover.

OAKEWOOD: Alright, you've piqued my interest.
OAKEWOOD: What is it?

PEEK: An old relic a scavenger traded to my compatriot in Tangled Branch.
PEEK: Most of it's been destroyed, but...

PEEK: There were some things in here that I thought might interest you.


PEEK: Hab deine Bestellung aus Tangled Branch heute Morgen bekommen.
OAKEWOOD: Exzellent.

PEEK: Außerdem hab ich noch etwas, das dich möglicherweise interessieren wird.

PEEK: Ja, ich hab es vor ungefähr einem Monat bekommen.

PEEK: Ich habe mein Bestes gegeben, um es zu restaurieren und zu binden, aber es war schwierig.

OAKEWOOD: Okay, jetzt machst du mich neugierig. Was ist es?

PEEK: Dieses Buch ist sehr, sehr alt. Du brauchst ganz ehrlich einen besseren Experten als mich, um hieraus etwas zu verstehen, aber...
PEEK: Da du deine Nachforschungen ausweiten wolltest, hab ich mir gedacht, es könnte etwas dabei helfen.

PEEK : J’ai reçu ta commande de Tangled Branch ce matin.
OAKEWOOD : Excellent.

PEEK : En fait...
PEEK : J'ai autre chose qui pourrait t'intéresser.

PEEK : Oui, j'ai reçu ça il y a un mois...

PEEK : J'ai fait de mon mieux pour le restaurer et le relier, mais c'était délicat.
PEEK : Ce livre est si vieux qu’il était presque trop dégradé pour être récupéré.

OAKEWOOD : Très bien, vous avez piqué mon intérêt.
OAKEWOOD : Qu’est-ce que c’est ?

PEEK : Une vieille relique qu'un récupérateur a échangée à mon compatriote de Tangled Branch.
PEEK : La majeure partie a été détruite, mais...

PEEK : Il y avait certaines choses ici qui, je pensais, pourraient t'intéresser.

PEEK: Peguei seu pedido do Galho Emaranhado essa manhã.
OAKEWOOD: Excelente.

PEEK: Na verdade...
PEEK: Eu tenho outra coisa que você pode estar interessado.

PEEK: É, eu peguei isso faz mais ou menos um mês.

PEEK: Eu fiz minha melhor restauração e encadernamento, mas foi complicado.
PEEK: Esse livro é tão velho que esta quase degradado demais pra recuperar

OAKEWOOD: Certo, você me deixou interessado.
OAKEWOOD: O quê é?

PEEK: Uma relíquia velha que um vasculhador trocou pro meu compatriota no Galho Emaranhado.
PEEK: A maior parte está destruída, mas...

PEEK: Tem algumas coisas aqui que eu pensei que te interessariam.

ПІК: Отримав ваше замовлення з Танглд Бранч сьогодні вранці.
ОКВУД: Чудово.

ПІК: Насправді...
ПІК: У мене є ще дещо, що може вас зацікавити.

ПІК: Так, я отримав це місяць тому...

ПІК: Я зробив усе можливе, щоб відновити та переплести, але це було складно.
ПІК: Ця книга настільки стара, що її майже не вдалося відновити.

ОКВУД: Добре, ви зацікавили мене.
ОКВУД: Що це?

ПІК: Стара реліквія, яку сміттяр продав моєму співвітчизнику в Танглд Бранчі.
ПІК: Більшу частину знищено, але...

ПІК: Тут були деякі речі, які, на мою думку, могли б вас зацікавити.

PEEK: קיבלתי את ההזמנה שלך מטאנגלד בראנץ׳ הבוקר.

PEEK: האמת...
PEEK: יש לי עוד משהו שאני חושב שעשוי לעניין אותך.

PEEK: כן, קיבלתי אותו לפני חודש...

PEEK: עשיתי כמיטב יכולתי כדי לשחזר ולכרוך אותו מחדש, אבל זה היה מורכב.
PEEK: הספר הזה כל כך ישן שמצבו כמעט הופך אותו לבלתי שמיש.

OAKEWOOD: בסדר, עכשיו סיקרנת אותי.
OAKEWOOD: מה זה?

PEEK: שריד עתיק שאוכל נבלות החליף תמורת בן ארצי בטאנגלד בראנץ׳.
PEEK: רובו כבר הרוס, אבל...

PEEK: היו בו כמה דברים שאני חשבתי שאולי עשויים לעניין אותך.
