Bleddyn Bricolage
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Dorian InmanBleddyn is the good-natured handyman in Treehollow, and someone with a tendency to want to fix things around them, for better and for worse. Though he can often be found reading a book in the park when not working, Bleddyn occasionally spends his evenings in the Wealthy Jackal with Walter, sharing an old tale, a drink, and a play of his lute.
Grey Wolf
January 27
Town Handyman
Tales from Treehollow Appearances:†
†Tales from Treehollow are canon short stories and comics illustrated by guest artists.Trivia About Bleddyn Bricolage
Ages Throughout the Comic
Page | Age | Human Years 1 |
The Great Outbreak | 26 | 33 |
Belfry is Adopted | 28 | 35 |
Old Council Overturned | 30 | 38 |
Chapter 1 Start | 46 | 57 |
Chapter 4 Start | 47 | 59 |
1 Creatures mature at a faster rate than humans. Their 'human age' is their equivalent maturity in human years. |