
Jackie Tavern

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Jackie is the owner of the Wealthy Jackal, the tavern in Treehollow, and knows pretty much everyone in town. He has worked hard to create an inviting meeting place for the various folks who travel through, and carries on the tradition from his parents before him of maintaining what is one of the oldest establishments in the town.


Hybrid: Nebaheem Jackal and Moggie Cat




March 14


Owner of the Wealthy Jackal Inn and Tavern

Trivia About Jackie Tavern

Ages Throughout the Comic

Page Age Human Years 1
The Great Outbreak 10 13
Belfry is Adopted 12 16
Old Council Overturned 14 18
Chapter 1 Start 30 38
Chapter 4 Start 31 39
1 Creatures mature at a faster rate than humans. Their 'human age' is their equivalent maturity in human years.