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Enjoying the Comic? Show Your Support!

The next free public art raffle stream will happen when we reach 500 paid patrons!


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Page 51

Posted on
January 10, 2017

Chapter: Chapter 2

Characters: Belfry, Nora, Parker, Penny, Tamberlane, Terra

Tags: Cameo

Tamberlane is Currently Sponsored By...

Aelius, Alex Phoenix Wing, andwhyisit, Anguis, BB, berwyn, Bheckadee, Blazeofspikes, Bulwark2002, Cain, CalTheUntitled, ccateni, ChaosYoshi7, Chris, Chris G., Chuckles, Cilestin, Cyber Hamster, DabbinTaco, Damien Mundt, Dana Simpson, Daphne Pfister, Demoriel, Dolly Strawberry, Dr. PHDangit, Dunkin P, Dylan Evans, Emily Yates, FanimationMik, Fruitso, Fruxalga, Frédéric Legaré, Gunny Waffle, Hazel Moore, Hues Of Blue, Inventor, Ira, Jenna Abel Bradford, Jesus, Jmoney2122, K9Elements, Kagetsume, KennoWP, KettuTheFox, Kilodeer, l AuroraWolf I, Lester D. Crawford, Lillian Marie Burch-Moore, Madiso, Manuel Hahn, metalmattress4, michael, Microfan, Mouseyknot, mwi, Naomi 'Note Worthy' Slover, Nick, nicky, Nightshade89, null_void, Packardlebaron, Patrick Kingsley, patroclus, PBar, Rattle Rabbit, Rhianna, Rhythm & Tempo, Rick Griffin, Ross, Sam Hansen, Sarah, SattaiLanfear, Scott Fraser, Shout_2000, ShuSquirrel, SilverHeart, Skandranon, Sneb23, Soldier Lsnake, SourMonkey, Sticklord, Stoker Bramwell, SurlyVulpine, T Rex, That_One_Furry, The Lonely Sand Person, The Masked Retriever, The Union Man, The Unit, Third, Tidalbelt, Turo, TX.88, UnagiWolf, VerticallyBeige, Violet Rose in The Dark, wes9511, Wilford B. Wolf, Yvonne Clapham

Author's Notes:

And we're back!! It's a good thing I went on Break, because I wound up being sick the entire month of December. But I'm better now!

I'm going to be at Further Confusion in San Jose this weekend! Come see me at the Grey White / Dreamy Star table 123. I'll have some (non-deluxe, non-Kickstarter) printed editions of Tamberlane, stickers, charms, and more cool stuff! I hope to see you guys there!

The Tamberlane Patreon is Revamped!!

At long last, it's done! The Patreon is comfortably fixed up! Some exciting new benefits:

  • The Patreon is no longer rated Adult 🔞!
  • 7-day free trials have been implemented on the $2 and $5 tiers for all new patrons!
  • We've moved to a subscription payment schedule, which means whatever day you signed up to the Tamberlane Patreon is the same day of the month you'll always be charged, instead of only charging on the 1st!
  • $100+ patrons can submit characters for me to use during art study!
  • Every 50 new paid patrons, we'll do a free public art raffle stream!

And many more benefits, which you can read all about

To celebrate, we have a limited-time special offer going! Any patrons signed up at a $25 or higher tier will receive a physical postcard in the mail with a nice message (and maybe possibly a bad joke :3c), and some special art made during my precious new art study time!

So head on over and check out the new benefits!



FOX: How many claws am I holding up?
BELFRY: T...two?

FOX: Whew! When I'd heard you fell down a cliff, I was worried.
FOX: But as usual, you defy expectations in the best way.

FOX: Since you don't appear to be concussed, I'm going to let Terra get some experience treating you.

FOX: In the meantime, I'll feed Parker.
FOX: Hello, my love.
TERRA: He definitely wants his mama.
[SFX: weh mnnnwuh muh]

BELFRY: Oh ho, finally letting your prentice into the field?

TERRA: Maybe if you lot stopped falling down cliffs, Nora wouldn't need the extra paws!



FOX: 我舉起了幾根手指?
BELFRY: ...兩根?

FOX: 呼,當我聽說你掉下懸崖時,我很擔心!
FOX: 但像往常一樣,妳以最好的方式超出了預期。

FOX: 因為妳似乎沒有腦震蕩,我打算讓 Terra 獲得一些治療妳的經驗。

FOX: 與此同時,我會餵養 Parker。你好,我的愛。
TERRA: 他明顯想要媽媽。

BELFRY: 噢呵,妳終於讓你的學徒去做妳的骯髒工作了嗎?

TERRA: 嘿,現在我終將要跟上妳的步伐了!



FÜCHSIN: Wie viele Finger halte ich hoch?
BELFRY: Z...zwei?

FÜCHSIN: Puh! Als ich hörte, du wärst von einer Klippe gestürzt, war ich echt besorgt!
FÜCHSIN: Aber wie immer trotzt Du den Erwartungen auf die beste Weise.

FÜCHSIN: Da Du keine Gehirnerschütterung zu haben scheinst, kann Terra an dir etwas Erfahrung sammeln.

FÜCHSIN: In der Zwischenzeit werde ich Parker füttern. Hallo, mein Kleiner.
TERRA: Er will ganz dringend zu seiner Mama.

BELFRY: Oh ho, Du überlässt also deiner Azubi die lästige Arbeit?

TERRA: Also echt! Irgendwann muss ich mit dir mithalten können!


RENARDE : Combien de griffes vois-tu ?
BELFRY : D...deux ?

RENARDE : Ouf ! Quand j'ai entendu que tu étais tombée d'une falaise, je me suis inquiétée.
RENARDE : Mais comme d’habitude, tu défies les attentes de la meilleure des manières.

RENARDE : Puisque tu ne sembles pas souffrir d'une commotion cérébrale, je vais laisser Terra acquérir de l'expérience en te soignant.

RENARDE : En attendant, je vais nourrir Parker.
RENARDE : Bonjour, mon amour.
TERRA : Il veut vraiment sa maman.

BELFRY : Oh ho, Tu laisses enfin ton apprentie entrer sur le terrain ?

TERRA : Peut-être que si tu arrêtais de tomber des falaises, Nora n'aurait pas besoin de pattes supplémentaires !



LIS: Ile palców pokazuję?
BELFRY: D...dwa?

LIS: Uff! Kiedy usłyszałam że spadłaś z klifu to się tak martwiłam!
LIS: Ale jak zawsze łamiesz oczekiwania w najlepszy sposób.

LIS: Skoro nie wyglądasz zbytnio na poturbowaną to pozwolę Terrze nabrać trochę doświadczenia zajmując się tobą.

LIS: W międzyczasie nakarmię Parkera. Witaj kochaniutki.
TERRA: On tak pragnie mamusi.

BELFRY: Oho, nareszcie dajesz praktykantce odwalać brudną robotę?

TERRA: No dalej! Będe musiała ci kiedyś dotrzymać kroku!


RAPOSA: Quantos dedos eu estou segurando?
BELFRY: D...dois?

RAPOSA: Ufa! Quando eu escutei que você caiu de um penhasco, eu fiquei preocupada.
RAPOSA: Mas como sempre, você quebra expectativas da melhor forma.

RAPOSA: Já que você parece não ter uma concussão, eu vou deixar Terra pegar um pouco de experiência tratando você.

RAPOSA: Enquanto isso, eu vou alimentar o Parker.
RAPOSA: Oi, meu amor.
TERRA: Ele definitivamente quer a mamãe dele.
[SFX: weh mnnnwuh muh]

BELFRY: Oh ho, finalmente deixando sua aprendiz atuar no campo?

TERRA: Talvez se vocês parassem de cair de penhascos, a Nora não precisarias das patas extra!
